Please contact our Membership chairperson, at [email protected] if you would like attend as a guest.
September 10, 2018: Harvest Festival Members will bring their gardening and culinary talents for sale at the Harvest Festival. Enjoy the gifts from others, perhaps jams, breads, cookies, all treats from the kitchen and garden.
October 10, 2018: “Climate Change” Quintin Prideaux The impact of climate change on Cape Cod is a serious matter, requiring an immediate change in our actions. Quintin Prideaux, a trained presenter for “The Climate Reality Project”, will discuss the facts about climate change in a light-hearted, impactful and understandable Powerpoint presentation. Following the question and answer debriefing, you will walk away with an action plan to reduce the use of fossil fuels and other climate change variables that contribute to a cleaner earth.
November 7, 2018: Coastal Christmas Workshop The Ikebana Program by Karen Pinard has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at later date. In its place we will be holding a workshop for members to assist with creating items for the Coastal Christmas Boutique. Please bring your clippers or snips. December 8, 2018: In lieu of our monthly meeting, we are sponsoring "A Coastal Christmas": A Tour of Five Holiday Homes in Osterville, Centerville and Cotuit.
February4, 2019: “Water, Water Everywhere” Daniel Dewey, Dewey Gardens Dan Dewey, owner of Centerville’s Dewey Gardens, will present a program on incorporating water features, such as pond-less waterfalls, small fishponds and more, into your landscape. His designs stress low maintenance and environmentally sensitive options for those who would like the wonderful sight and sound of water in their Cape Cod foundation and garden plantings.
March 4, 2019: “Nitrogen Pollution on Cape Cod” Zenas Crocker, Executive Director of the Barnstable Clean Water Coalition Zee Crocker will present a historical perspective on the sole source aquifer existing on Cape Cod. He will discuss how we are all connected to our drinking water, as well as our recreational salt and fresh waterways. He will focus on the critical role of landscaping and gardening choices in maintaining the health of all our waters and their impact on the water we drink and enjoy. What kind of choices can, and should, we make? There is no “one size fits all”; rather we will look at a mosaic of choices that are all opportunities to improve our individual, and collective, well-being.
April, 1, 2019: “Horticulturalists Dig Deep” Suzanne O'Keefe, Susan Dewey, Marian Nicastro, Cate Gulliver Due to last year’s popular program “Designers Gone Wild”, we thought equal time should be given to the horticulture side of the Club. This program features four talented in-house members who will create lovely horticultural designs that you can replicate in your own home, including an Easter herbal wreath and a fruit and vegetable arrangement.
May 6, 2019: “Springtime in the Air” Lisa Oberholtzer-Gee Lisa, a renowned designer in New York and Boston, will create four floral design objects using unusual techniques, such as binding structures using natural and mixed media materials. Her search for methods from various parts of the world and her love of flowers will make you see nature and flowers from a totally different perspective.